Profile Page Features

Clicking Create > New Target Basket Profile starts the Create New Basket Profile process.

The Manage Basket Profiles panel includes:

  • Standard navigation controls (the Show filter and the 1 2 3 page control).
  • The complete list of basket profile records.

Each row in the list represents a basket profile record, and displays a few key fields in that record. Click a column heading to sort all of the profiles in the listing by that field.

The following fields are displayed:

# (the unique profile ID number)
CRMS assigns a unique ID number to every basket profile record. If two or more profiles names (which are defined by CRMS users) are similar or identical, this number is the unique identifier.
Basket Profile Name
The name of the basket profile as defined in the CRMS, and set up as a hyperlink to the basket profile record. Click the basket profile name to open the record, either to see or edit its details.
This column usually shows abbreviations for the attributes used to define the basket profile.
The date when the basket profile was created or most recently changed. This is the field used by default to sort the profile records. When you open the Manage Basket Profiles page, the most recently updated basket profile records are displayed first.

The following functions are supported:

You can clone the associated basket profile record.
You can delete the associated customer profile record.