Data Validation and Import Settings

During import, all email addresses are checked for validity. If the number of badly formed addresses exceeds the allowed threshold, your import fails. If your list is imported successfully, it is processed according to the rules specified in Admin > Main Settings > List Import. You can check these rules, and change them if they do not suit your purpose.

  • New List - this drop-down uses the current list as the basis for creating a new list. When you click the down arrow, a list of the following options is displayed
    • Using split
    • Using subtraction
    • Using merge
    • Using intersection

Selecting any one of these options starts the process of generating a unique new list, using the selected method and starting with the current file as the basis. Each method creates a new list file and initiates the New from Existing List wizard, which assists you in the process of populating the new file with a new list.

  • Export : you can generate a comma separated value (CSV) file containing the existing Reward customer data for the customers included in this list. The Export function delivers this file to the FTP location that your company uses to exchange files with Reward. The default name of the file is "ListExport"_<List Name>_<your CRMS user name> _<date when list file was generated/exported>. See Target Lists for the data format of the exported lists.
  • Delete : you can permanently delete the associated list.