Creating Target List from File


  1. From the Target > Lists page, select Create New List > From File Import.
    The New List from Import wizard is displayed.
  2. Define the List Properties. Enter text in the three fields: Name, Source, and Internal Note.
  3. Select the Source File.
    1. Click Browse.
      A standard dialog box is displayed, titled "Choose file", using which you can navigate to the location of the list file you want to import.
    2. Double-click one list, in .txt file format, from your computer. The dialog box closes.
    Note: Your list must contain one or more properly formed email addresses, separated by line breaks. If the selected file passes the validation checks, its name is displayed again in the Source file text field.
  4. Read the text stating, "You must read the following..." and respond. This text concerns the requirement that persons in a list to be imported have opted in. Verify whether the list you are uploading meets the criteria. If it does, select the I Agree check box.
    Note: If the list includes email addresses from customers that have not provided permission to send them email, do not select the I Agree check box. Make the necessary changes outside of the CRMS platform.
  5. Verify whether the selected Import Settings (Updates, Import As, Email Opt-In) are correct for your purposes.
    • If the rules that are displayed do not suit your purposes, you can change them.
    • To change the import settings, you can click the linked text, Click here to cancel your file import and change these settings. Note, however, that this closes the current wizard without saving your data.
  6. To receive an email notification when your import has started, and again when it completes, enter an email address.
  7. Click Next Step at the top of the page.
    The CRMS opens the next page of the wizard, titled Request Status, and displays the message, "Your has been scheduled", along with a table of information about this list.
    Note: You can copy and save the table of information from this page. Pasting this table information into a document file outside of CRMS helps you retain a record of parameters and specifications you used to create the associated list.
  8. Click Done to complete the process.
    The CRMS processes the list creation information you have provided, opens the Target > Lists page, and displays a new row of information for this list in the Manage Lists table. The Status field for a newly created list is very important, because it indicates whether the list was successfully created.
    • If the list creation succeeds, the Status field is gray and displays the word Ready. If this status is displayed, the list is ready to use.
    • If the list creation fails, the Status field turns red and displays the word Failed. The list creation process failed and the list is not available.
    • Depending on the complexity of the list creation task processing, the Status field for the new list can be yellow and might display the label "In Progress" for a few minutes until the processing is completed.