Web Signage Summary Report

For each web signage that you have defined, this report provides data about the usage of the signage, including information about how much it has been viewed and how much it has been used.

You can use this report to create a table of summary usage data about All signages, or just the Live, Paused or Saved signages. The table includes summary data for each signage, and totals for all signage data listed in the table.

Notes on web signage data listed in rows

The data table lists data for each web signage defined in your system. Each web signage is listed in a separate row. To see details about a particular piece of web signage, double-click the name of the signage. The name is set up as a link; clicking opens the Web Signage Detail Report for that signage.

Data totals are displayed for all of the web signage in the current table.

Notes on column headings and how values in columns are derived

The number of separate views of a signage (or the total of all views of the listed signage).
The number of unique (different) customers who clicked the signage.
Views Per Customer
The number of separate views of a signage per customer. This is the average number of views per customer.
Total Clicks
The total number of clicks on the selected signage.
Total Unique Clicks
The total number of customers who clicked on this signage.
Unique Click Through Rate
A ratio of the customers who clicked on the signage to the number of customers who viewed the signage.

When you specify the parameters of this report, you can filter your view of the available signage by selecting just the Live, Paused or Saved signages from the drop-down selector box. You might want to compare the usage of Live signage against the signage that has been put into Paused or Saved mode because, for example, such signage represents seasonal or otherwise temporary signage that has been retired or taken out of use.