Customer Target Definition

To make the offer available to all registered customers, use the default settings, All registered customers, and No (that is, no profiles should be excluded); then click Next Step.

To refine the customer target for this offer, defining specific targets who are informed about and eligible for this offer, respond to one or both of these questions on the Offer Targeting page:
  • Whom do you want to target this offer to?

    To limit targeting to one or more selected profiles, refer to the instructions for defining the target of an offer by adding customer profiles.

  • Should anyone be excluded from this offer?

    To choose one or more profiles for exclusion, refer to the instructions for defining the target of an offer by excluding customer profiles.

  • Any customers that match the profiles selected for exclusion are excluded from the targeted set of customers, which can include either "All registered customers" or all the profiles you have chosen to target.
  • Unregistered customers should not be targeted for offers that require access to the Showcase.

When you have completed the target definition, or want to end your targeting session, click Next Step. This saves your work and advances to the next step, Offer Presentation page in the Edit Offer Details workflow.