Saving Your Work

To save your work on the current page, use one of these options:

  • Click Save to save the information on the current page. The page remains open.
  • If you are working with a wizard-driven workflow, click Next Step to save the information on the current page and advance to the next page in the workflow.
  • Click Done to save the information on the current page, close the page, and move to the page at the next higher level in the CRMS user interface hierarchy. If you completed a sub-task, you are returned to the main task page.
  • If you are working with a wizard-driven workflow, you can use the Jump to Step drop-down menu to get to a new destination page in the wizard or workflow sequence that you are currently using. If you use the Jump to Step control, the CRMS saves the data in your current page before opening the page you selected.
Note: When in doubt about whether you are navigating to a new location, save your work. If you change pages by selecting a new option in the CRMS main menu tab, or a different tab that opens a higher level page, you lose any unsaved data on your current page. For example, if you are currently typing data into a page in a wizard, and you select a new menu tab without first saving you work, you lose your unsaved work.