Features and Fields

Use the Signage page to provide access to all signage records and to help you create and work with signage. The Signage page lists all signage records that have been defined or are in the process of being defined.

To open the Signage page, select Signage > Signage from the CRMS menu.

The Signage page includes the following features:

  • The Create > New Signage option, which starts the Create Signage process.
  • The Manage Existing Signage panel which consists of:
    • Standard navigation controls – the Show filter and the 1 2 3 page controls.
    • The Show filter includes a Type filter, using which you can display records of one of the three main signage types: Offers, Customer Information, and RSS.
    • The complete list of existing signage.

Each row in the list represents a piece of signage and displays a few key fields. These fields are lined up in columns. Click a column heading to sort all of the signage items in the list by that field.

The following fields are displayed:
You can see the current status of piece of signage, and change the status of the communication when appropriate.
The unique signage record ID number, automatically assigned by CRMS when the record is created.
Signage Name
The name of the piece of signage as defined by the most recent update. The name is a hyperlink to the signage record, and opens the record in the Edit Signage Details wizard.
The category of signage as selected at the time the record was created.
The last date on which the signage was changed in any way.
The number of times the signage has loaded on a web page in its lifetime.
The number of times a link in a piece of signage has been clicked.
Clicks:views %
The ratio, expressed as a percentage, of total clicks to total views on the piece of signage, analogous to the clickthrough rate on email.
Embed Tag
Clicking this link spawns a pop-up window with the embed tag for this piece of signage.
Clicking this link creates a copy of the existing signage as a new record.
This link is only available for signage in Saved or Paused Status. To delete a piece of Live signage, you must first pause it by changing its status to Pause. Deleting a piece of signage removes it permanently from CRMS.

Notice that embedding the widget involves modification of the embed tag. You must replace the generic text "Email Address of Customer" with the actual email address of the customer currently viewing the page.* Your company's IT department and web designer can obtain and insert this data using cookies, session variables, or other methods.