Features and Fields

The Communications page includes the following features:

  • The Create > New Email Communication option, which starts the Create New Email Communication process.

Each row in the list represents an email communication and displays a few key fields. These fields are lined up in columns. Click a column heading to sort all of the communications in the list by that field.

The Existing Communications panel displays the following fields:

  • Status - You can see the current status of a communication, and also change the status of the communication when appropriate.
  • # - The unique Communication record ID number, automatically assigned by CRMS when the record is created.
  • Communication Name - The name of the communication as defined by the most recent update. The name is a hyperlink to the communication record, and it opens the record in the Edit Communication Details wizard.
  • Offer Status - If an offer has been defined for this communication, this value reports whether or not there is a problem with any of the offers. If there is a problem, there will be a hyperlinked Problem value in this column. Clicking Problem opens a pop-up window that displays the offers causing the problem.
Note: The most common problem is that the dates for the offer are not compatible with the dates for the email. To avoid this, make sure that the offer is live within the publishing window defined by the start and end dates of the email.
  • In Campaign - Identifies a campaign to which a communication has been assigned. Shows the default value, No, if a communication has not been assigned to any campaign.
  • Pub Start - The publish start date of the communication. This is the first date on which the message can be sent to the defined recipients. A communication must be in scheduled status for it to be sent, so for an email to be sent on the publish start date, it must be approved on or before the publish start date. If an email is approved after the publish start date but before the publish end date, it is sent as soon as possible after the approval.
  • Pub End - The publish end date of the communication. This is the last date on which the message is sent to the defined recipients. For one-time message delivery, this date is same as the publish start date. If the publish end date is different than the publish start date, each day the same message is sent to the new recipients who match the targeting definition, and who were not previously sent the message.
  • Open - Displays the open rate of the communication as a percent. Shows n/a if the communication was never sent or if there are zero recipients.
  • Extract Stats - You can generate a CSV file containing statistics on the responses for this email.
  • Clone - You can clone the associated communication. All attributes of the original email communication, including targeting, are cloned to the copy. For details, see Cloning Email Communication.
  • Delete - You can inactivate the associated communication. The record remains listed, but it's status is set to inactive.