Embed Tag: Use

An embed tag is a piece of JavaScript code that is used to embed either widgets (pieces of signage) or web beacons (tags) in a web page.

A signage (aka widget) embed tag is a unique piece of JavaScript code that is generated by CRMS "Create a New Signage" feature for each widget (that is, for each piece of signage). It is used to embed a widget in an existing web page, and to capture the email address of the customer currently browsing the page, and register that this customer has opened that page.

The embed tag is used for tracking customers. A unique embed tag is created within CRMS for each activity that you define. The tag can be embedded in a web page to capture the email address of the customer currently browsing the page, and to register that this customer has opened that page.

Note that both varieties of the embed tag require the email address of the customer browsing the website.