Choose Template

You can use the Email Communication Template page to select an email template for your email message from a selection provided by TIBCO Reward. This page also gives you the option to use a blank template and insert your own content.

The first step in creating a new email communication is to choose an email template using the Email Communication Template page. To open this Template, select Email > Communications > Create New Email Communication.

Note: You cannot go back to this template page after you have clicked Next Step. This means that you cannot switch to a different email communication template after you have chosen a template to use for an email communication.

Choose the type of template for your email commucation:

  • Basic - This tab includes two template options: Blank HTML and Text-Only.
  • Newsletters - For communicating articles and other content of interest to your recipients.
  • Offers - Designed to present multiple offers; also provides room for several additional messages. Some Offer templates are designed to serve a specific strategic function.
  • Invitations - Used to invite customers to store or other events.
  • Postcards - Similar in shape and size to a printed postcard, this is the most commonly used format for single message emails. Creative elements fit well in the space, and the format leverages the benefits of a single message-per-email approach. High impact with minimal complication.