Stationery Properties

Use the Stationery Properties page in the Edit a Stationery wizard to record the internal name and internal notes that identify the stationery and its purpose. Note that this data is used internally: customers never see this data. Defining and saving the name and internal note text is the first step in creating a new stationery or editing an existing stationery.


Use the Properties page to name and describe a stationery by recording data in the following fields:

  • Internal Name is an internally used name that the customer does not see. It serves to identify and describe the stationery record in the Manage a Trigger Event page, so that you can select the correct stationery to use with a trigger event response email. Choose a name that is descriptive and unique. Ideally, the new name should indicate the purpose of the stationery and why it should be used rather than another stationery. Replace the CRMS-provided stationery name as soon as possible in the process of defining the new stationery.
  • Internal Note text is used internally in CRMS, and is displayed only on this page. Ideally, the notes should help distinguish the associated stationery from any other stationery and prevent confusion. If two or more stationery designs have similar names or the names do not indicate the unique purposes of the different stationery designs, you should use the Internal Note field to record the crucial aspects of a stationery that make it different.

After finishing work on this page, click Next Step. This saves your work and advances the wizard to the Stationery Rich Content page, the next step in the workflow of the wizard.

Note: When you open the Properties page, always review any default data and preexisting data. Remove unwanted data and add correct new data.