Fields and Features

The Generic Events page includes the following features:

  • The Create New Generic Event Definition option, which starts the Create a New Generic Event process.
  • The Manage Your Generic Events panel which consists of:
    • Standard navigation controls – the Show filter and the 123 page control.
    • The complete list of existing generic events.

Each row in the list represents an event record and displays a few key fields. These fields are lined up in columns. Click a column heading to sort all of the custom questions in the list by that field.

The following generic event fields are displayed:

The name of the event as defined in CRMS, and set up as a hyperlink to CRMS event record. Click the event name to open the record, either to see or edit its details.
Reference Tag
A text string that you assign to this event. This tag is used as an internal reference and identifier at the data processing level. For example, an API refers to this event using this reference tag. Must be unique with respect to other reference tags.
The date when this event record was last modified. Set by CRMS.
Click this link to generate a duplicate of the associated generic event record. Note that the only obvious difference is the renamed reference tag, which is changed to "Copy of <original name>". Be sure to change other data as appropriate.
Click this link to delete the entire record for the event.