Deleting Content Item

Deleting a record permanently deletes the record. The item is removed from all content rule sets that use it, and from all lists that offer it as a selectable option. References to this content item are not automatically removed from emails. However, all emails that include references to this content item omit the content. Nothing, not even a character space, replaces the omitted content.


  1. Find the record you want to delete in the Content Items table in the Content Items page.
    Use the search and sort options to narrow your choices and put the remaining filtered records in order. Each row in the page represents a record. Column headings identify the key record fields displayed in this list. Click a column heading to sort all of the offers in the listing by that field. Use the standard navigation controls, as necessary. Identify the row for the record you want to duplicate.
  2. Click the Delete link in the same row.
    A warning message is displayed, advising you of the effects of deleting. Click OK to continue.
  3. The content item record is deleted and the list in the Content Items page is displayed again, with the deleted content item omitted.

    If a content item in use is deleted (that is, if the content item is deleted while its reference tag is still included in some email), the following occurs:

    • In a content rule set: the content item is removed from the content rule set, and the rule set continues to function as normal.
    • In an email: the content item reference tag remains in the email, but renders to nothing, effectively being erased in the final, sent email. Not even a space is displayed in the rendered email where the tag is placed. Note that if a new content item is created that uses the same reference tag as a previously deleted content item, all emails including that same tag render the new content item. Delete content items with care.