Customer: Manage
To access the Support and Customer Management, select Support from the CRMS menu. Enter search criteria to find a specific customer.
In addition to displaying customer information in several categories, the Customer Details page provides links to other customer pages where you can add and modify customer data.
Depending on the status of the current customer, a selection of the following links is made available:
- Edit Info
- Click to open the Customer Info page, which you can use to edit basic name and address field values.
- Email Prefs
- Click to view the customer’s email preferences. Use to opt-in or opt-out the customer from email communications.
- Adjust Points
- Click to open the Adjust Points page. The adjustment number of points to be added or removed, Points Type, and the Reason text are required data. After supplying data, click Next. A confirmation message is displayed. If details are correct, click Confirm.
- Reset Password
- Click to generate a new customer password and send it to the customer in a standardized email.
- Merge
- Click to merge current customer account data into another (enrolled) customer account, or to merge another customer account into the current customer account (if it is for an enrolled customer). Refer to Customer: Merge for complete details.
- Change Status
- Click to set the selected customer's membership status. You can do the following from this dialog:
- Enroll (an existing customer): this option changes the customer status from Merged or Active or Inactive to Enrolled. The customer is enrolled as a member of the loyalty program, and all related functions and options for enrolled customers are supported.
- Un-enroll (an existing customer): the support agent can unenroll (that is, close the account for) a customer who no longer wants to be enrolled in the loyalty program.
Unenrolling a customer has the following effects:
- The customer is deactivated (that is, status is changed from active to inactive), and is no longer a member of the loyalty program. In addition, if the email option was set to true, then it is changed to false.
- The customer no longer accrues points (if applicable) or receives offers.
- The customer cannot sign-in to My Account anymore.
- Deactivate Account : deactivation changes the customer status to Inactive, which effectively puts the customer on “hold”. The customer cannot log into his or her account and cannot accrue any points, although existing points remain on the account, which can be reactivated with no loss of data. Example: A client might want to use this option to temporarily disable accounts that are not in good standing (perhaps because a customer did not pay required dues). After the account is back in good standing, the client reactivates it. Reactivate is the only valid option for a deactivated customer.
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