Defining the target of an offer by excluding customer profile

In response to the question, Should anyone be excluded from this offer?, follow these steps:


  1. Click Yes, exclude from selected customer profiles or lists.

    The Targeting page changes to show two options, Add Customer Profiles and Add Lists, and also an embedded list of any profiles that have already been excluded from this offer. (This is a different instance of a Selected Profiles list.)


    When you exclude profiles, only the dimensions of those profiles that have Customer MUST match above criteria selected affects the exclusion calculation. The profile chooser window shows you whether a profile has a MUST match dimension defined. Although you can choose to exclude a profile that does not have a MUST match dimension, it has no effect on the exclusion calculation.

  2. Add a customer profile, using one of the following options.
    1. To add a customer profile (previously defined) to the list of excluded profiles:
      Click Add Customer Profiles to open the Select Profiles page.
    2. To start the process of creating a new profile and adding it to the list of excluded profiles:
      Select the check box next to the profile you want to exclude and then click Add Checked.
  3. Add a targeted list:
    1. Click Add Lists to open the Select Lists page.
    2. Select the check box next to the list you want to exclude and then click Add Checked.
  4. Click Save or Next Step after defining profiles and/or lists to exclude.
  5. If you do not want to add or exclude more profiles, click Next Step.
    This saves your work and opens the next page, Offer Presentation, in the Edit Offer Details wizard.