Postal Codes

A postal code set is a collection of postal codes intended for use in a targeting profile. A postal code set is defined as a set of postal code numbers contained in a file, which is in either Comma Separated Value (.csv) or Tab Delimited (.txt) format.

To upload such a postal code file and assign a name to the set of postal codes it contains, click Target > Postal Codes in CRMS menu. The Manage Postal Code Sets page opens.

Use the Target > Postal Codes page to specify the location and filename of the postal code file you want to upload.


The postal code lists that you define with this page become available for use when you define a profile that uses the Geographic dimension. Instead of using the other options listed in the Geographic dimension to define targets according to geographical locations, you can select a Postal Code set. Each Postal Code set is a file, which you have uploaded using this Target > Postal Code page, that contains your own predefined set of postal codes. A postal code set is often the best way to set up a very specific set of postal codes for use with CRMS targeting features.

You can use postal code sets to target customers with the specificity of individual five-digit postal codes.

Note: The use of the postal code targeting in the Geographic dimension often means that you are collecting postal codes from customer records. Be aware that such data can be collected by using data integration, the microsite, APIs, or the Support tool.