Server-Side Tags
So how does a web page retrieve and display the email address of a customer? Most often, by using server side tags. Consider this line of HTML:
<b>Hello, Valued Customer</b>
This displays in a web browser, for everyone, as Hello, Valued Customer; not a bad message, but not very personalized. We can replace the "Valued Customer" text with a server side tag, like this:
<b>Hello, <%=Session['currentCustomerEmailAddress']%></b>
Server side tags are just like using mail merge tags in Microsoft Word or any other word processing program. When your web page is requested by a customer, your web server first reads through the entire page's HTML and replaces all server side tags with the data they are requesting. Only then, does it send the rendered page along to the customer's browser. The exact syntax and method of how the email address is retrieved depends entirely on how your web site is built. For instance, the example just cited only works in a site that is running Asp.Net and happens to use a session variable called "currentCustomerEmailAddress".
Let Your IT Professionals Do It
If your site already has some personalization, getting the customer's email address into the embed tag is going to be relatively easy. However, it is a job for the pros: your IT department and website specialists know exactly how to retrieve the current customer's email address and place the requisite server side tag into your signage embed tag.
Other modifications to the embed tag code are treated as optional here; however, they might not seem optional to your company's web designers. Be sure to enlist the services of the web page designer responsible for the page in which any signage widget is embedded. This designer can set up the widget so that it reflects your corporate design standards and so that the widget and web page respond to any unrecognized email addresses in a graceful manner.