
Use the Admin > Announcements page to create messages for other CRMS users and to manage these messages.

Announcements are typically displayed in two complementary ways. The headline for each announcement is presented as a hyperlink that is displayed in a high-visibility location in CRMS Home page. If a CRMS user clicks this headline link, an announcement window is displayed, presenting the full text of the announcement message along with the headline.

Announcements created with the Admin > Announcement page are commonly used to inform CRMS users of upcoming merchandising opportunities, such as events and product specials, and to help coordinate marketing. Announcements can be used to convey any type of message to CRMS users.

Note: The announcements displayed in the announcement window are presented in memo format. They include the headline, CRMS name of the person who originally created the announcement, and the date when the announcement was originally created. The text follows.

Three Create Announcement options are presented:

  • Event
  • Category
  • Freeform
Note: At this time, there is no difference between the announcements that you produce by using a different Create Announcement option. You can use the announcement types as a means of classifying messages, but your selection does not impact the display.