Cloning an Email Communication

Cloning an email communication record creates a copy of the record.


  1. Find the email communication record you want to copy in the Email > Communications page.
  2. Click Clone in the row of the communication record that you want. This opens the Edit Communication wizard.
    The cloned copy of an email communication record includes all of the data in the original, including the template selection and the targeting data, with the exceptions noted as follows:
    • The clone is assigned a new, unique numerical ID (which is listed in the "#" column). This is a system requirement.
    • The clone of a record named "XXX" is automatically renamed "Copy of XXX."
      Note: If you make multiple clones of "XXX," they are all named "Copy of XXX."
    • The Pub Start date is, by default, re-set to the date following day when you create the clone.
    • The Pub End date is, by default, always reset to a date one week and a day after the initial Publish Start date.
    • The status of the new clone is saved.

    Tips for using a cloned offer record to create a new offer:

    • Check the Pub Start and Pub End dates; in a clone, these are set to default dates.
    • Assign the cloned copy its own new, unique, descriptive name.
    • Review every field, and update fields to clearly distinguish the new clone from the original. Add an Internal Note to the clone, contrasting it from the original.