Email Performance over Time
This report provides hourly updates about "opens" of an email and clicks on links in the email. For the purpose of this report, an "open" is an instance of a recipient opening a unique email; any click of a tracked link in the email is considered a "click".
This report includes a line graph and a table; both show unique opens and unique clicks on an hourly basis for the first three days from the offer publish date. This data is refreshed nightly.
The graph shows when larger numbers of emails are being opened during the first three days.
The table provides supporting numerical detail -- also hourly, and also for the first three days -- for unique opens count, repeated opens and clicks within the same unique email.
Notes on graphics labels, column heading, and how the values are derived
- Opens
- The total number of times that recipients of an email communication opened the email, including repeated openings of the same unique mail. For example, if the same recipient opens one individual email thrice, each of these three instances of opening are included in this count.