Cloning Customer Profile


  1. Find the profile record in the Target > Customer Profiles page.
  2. Click Clone in the row of the desired profile record.

    This creates a copy of the original profile. The cloned copy of a profile record includes all of the data in the original record with the following exceptions:

    • The clone is assigned a new, unique numerical ID. This is a system requirement.
    • The clone of a record named "XXX" is automatically renamed "Copy of XXX". Note, however, that if you make multiple clones of "XXX", they are all named "Copy of XXX."
    • The Profile Updated date is, by default, reset to the date when you create the clone.

    Here are some tips for using a cloned customer profile record to create a new customer profile:

    • Start by assigning the cloned copy its own new, unique, descriptive Profile Name and Internal Description.
    • As you edit a clone, make sure the Internal Description accurately reflects the dimensions and parameters you have defined. Before you click Done, review and update the Profile Name and Internal Description to ensure that they reflect the purpose and contents of the new profile.
    • If you must stop working on a profile before it is completely defined, you might want to note its status. Applying even an informal system of version and revision tracking can help you save time and improve your profiles.