Partner Offers: Step 4 - Targeting Offer


  1. Target your offer to All Registered Customers or select a profile from the pull-down menu.
  2. Select Yes from the pull-down menu if anyone should be excluded from this offer.(The default setting is No.)
  3. Click Next Step to continue creating the offer.
    This opens the Presentation step in the Edit Offer wizard.
  4. Select the offer's Display Rank from the pull-down menu (if necessary).
  5. Make sure to clear the Display this offer in hosted microsite Offer Showcase check box.
  6. Click Next Step to continue creating the offer.
    This opens the Schedule & Rules step in the Edit Offer wizard.
  7. Set the Total Redemption Limit per Member by entering a value in the text box.
  8. Set the Eligibility Dates: The dates in which members can start and stop being eligible to qualify for this offer.
  9. Set the Qualification Period: The length of time a member remains eligible to perform the qualification actions for this offer.
  10. Enter store restrictions if there are any.
  11. Click Next Step to continue creating the offer.
    This opens the Summary & Preview step in the Edit Offer wizard.
  12. Review the elements of this offer: You can modify any of the offer elements by clicking Edit on that element row.
  13. Click Next Step to save the offer.