Sales Performance by Customer Stated Category Preference

This report shows sales performance data (net sales, transactions, units) for customers who expressed preferences for one or more product categories. At their sign up, customers are asked to select their product category preferences. The product categories listed in this report are the same product categories presented to customers at that time.

This report includes a horizontal bar chart and a data table. The bar chart shows the net sales, within the dates selected, for the customers who selected a category preference from one of the top ten categories. The data table provides more types of sales data, and also provides data about the customers who did not express a category preference. The data table also contains data for more product categories.

You can select the period of time from which the sales performance data is drawn. You can also select one of the following options from a drop-down field to select the number of categories included in the report:

  • Top 10 Categories by Total Net Sales (selected by default). Note: The bar chart always shows the top ten product categories.
  • Top 20 Categories by Total Net Sales
  • Top 50 Categories by Total Net Sales
  • Top 100 Categories by Total Net Sales

Retailers can use this data to understand what categories their customers are most interested in, and how sales correspond to a customer’s preferences.

Notes on column headings and how values in columns are derived.

All data is current as of the date the report is run.

lt is a list of categories. Note that this includes the catch-all category for customers who did not specify a category preference; this is titled, "No Stated Category Preference."

This list also includes a "Total" category.

Note: The number in each column of the Total row is not a sum of the values in that column. Each row refers broadly to a category, but some customers specified preferences for multiple categories, so the customer counts do not add up. The sales, transactions, and units in the category rows do not add up to the corresponding total numbers either, because they reflect the total sales (in any category) associated with any customer who purchased within that category.
  • Registered (enrolled) Customer Count in each category, as of the date the report is run. Registered customer count is the count of registered customers as of the end date of the selected period.
  • Active customers in each category (that is, individual customers who expressed preferences within the category within the specified time period).
  • Total Net Sales is total net sales in any category, within the dates selected, for the customers who selected the category preference.
  • Net Transactions is net transactions in any category, within the dates selected, for the customers who selected the category preference.
  • Net Units is net units purchased, within the dates selected, by the customers who selected the category preference.

Notes on Channel data listed in rows.

The number of listed categories is based on your selection. Categories are sorted by total net sales (high to low) and displayed in a flat list.
No Stated Category Preference
This row includes sales data for customers who did not provide category preferences.
Totals of the net sales for all customers (regardless of their category preferences) over the time selected. This data covers both the customers who did and did not express a category preference. Note that this is not the sum of data in the above rows (because customers can select more than one category and their data can be displayed in more than one row).