Profile Dimension: MUST Match
When editing a targeting dimension, you have the option of enabling or disabling MUST Match for that dimension. When this option is selected, only customers who exactly match the selected profile dimension criteria are included whenever this profile is used. For example, if Recency 1-3 weeks is selected in the RFM sub-tab, and MUST Match is selected, this profile never goes to anyone who did not make a purchase transaction in the last 1-3 weeks. That is, any other recency and those whose recency is unknown are not included in this profile.
When this option is not selected, the result depends on where the profile is used. In Offers, the selected profile criteria influences the offer score, but does not exclude anyone from receiving the offer. (Remember that offers are scored on relevance.) In email, this check box is treated as though it is selected and all sub-tab criteria are treated as MUST Match.
Each dimension within the profile has its own MUST Match setting. This means checked and unchecked dimensions can be mixed to fine tune offer targeting. For example, setting Recency =1-3 weeks as Must match, and gender = male as not MUST match results in only customers with a purchase transaction in the last 1-3 weeks receiving an offer, with men scoring high and women scoring low. If the same profile is used for email, only male customers with a purchase transaction in the last 1-3 weeks receive the email."