Point Expiration Forecast Report

Report information and format:

Column Headings

  • Customer Email Address
  • Point Balance : as the end date selected.
  • Potential Points Burned : number of points burned (redeemed or spent) during the conversion process. Based on current point balance and current autoconversion rule or reward catalog items, these are the points that are converted into rewards.
  • Potential Award Value : award value as aggregate for the customer. If the monetary units value is not defined, show N/A.
  • Points to be Expired : number of points left after the conversion takes place. Any remaining points that cannot be automatically converted into rewards are expired on the set expiration date.

Row Headings

  • Customers
  • Total (for all columns except Email Address)

Sort Order

  • Based on point balance (high to low)

Notes on Totals:

  • Totals are aggregate numbers.
  • Point balance is the aggregate point outstanding for the retails as of the end date.
  • Points burned is how many points were burned for all customers.
  • Total award value: aggregate for all customers. If it is not defined for all customers, display N/A.
  • Point balance after burning points: how many points are left and are burned out or lost for all customers.

Sample Contents:

Customer Email Address

Point Balance

Potential Points Burned

Potential Award value

Points to be expired/Remaining Points

mike@example.com 6000 4000 NA 2000
ll@example.com 1000 0 10 monetary spend 1000
john@example.com 10000 9000 100 monetary spend 1000
Total 17000 13000 NA 4000