Uploading Unique Reward Codes

Unique reward codes use an inventory of code values, each of which is unique and issued once to a customer. If you are using unique reward codes, you must upload your inventory of code values before you issue them as rewards.


  1. Navigate to Rewards > Reward Codes.
  2. Select Create New Unique Reward Code.
    The Edit Unique Reward Code screen is displayed.
  3. Define properties for this unique reward code:
    Note: None of these values are visible to end customers.
    Create a descriptive name for this reward code. This value is displayed in the grid of codes on the Reward Codes landing page.
    Reference Tag
    Enter a unique identifier for this code. This value is the primary identifier for this code used by the Reward hosted microsite, as well as Reward APIs. Note that this value must be unique among all other reward codes.
    Stored Value
    Can be None, Monetary units, Monetary units off, % off, or other. Depending on your integration with Reward, this value can be passed to you or a third party through the Rewards File.
    Internal Note
    Use this space to record notes about the reward code.
    Enable Dynamic Expiration Date check box
    Expiration can be static (all codes expire on the same day) or dynamic (code expires X days after the Award Date or Offer Start Date).
  4. Upload unique code values in the Code Inventory section of the screen: Click Browse to find your unique reward codes file on your computer.
    Note: If you have uploaded codes, you see an indication of the remaining inventory, plus the status of all prior uploads in the Current Inventory field.
  5. Click Upload.
  6. You can set an expiration date for the unique code by clicking the calendar and selecting a date. Leave this field empty for no expiration date.
  7. Click Next Step.