Fields and Features

Preview [button] - Click this button to see a rendering of the displayed code for this email, as it is currently displayed in this Text-Only page. This rendering is displayed in the Email Preview dialog box. Be aware that, without a link to an individual email recipient, it is impossible to address much of the content, and only a few elements of the template are displayed.

In the Email Preview dialog box, you can click Current Personalization to get a slightly better sense of how the text is displayed when an individual customer is associated with the email. Similarly, you can you can click Default Personalization to get a slightly better sense of how the text is displayed when no individual customer is associated with the email and the default values are displayed.

Field Type - Use this drop-down menu to choose the type of field code you want to generate. This narrows down to a reasonable number the list of fields from which you can select. Your selection of Field Type can also change the other field selections you need to use, as follows:

  • If you choose General, a Default data entry field is displayed after the Fields drop-down menu. Use this Default to supply default text to be used if specific field data is not available for a specific customer.
  • If you choose Offers, another (untitled) drop-down selection box is displayed after Fields. From this selection, choose each piece of Offer data to be generated; for example, the offer headline, description, qualification end date or expiration date.
  • If you choose Programs, another (untitled) drop-down menu is displayed after Fields. From this selection, choose a piece of fundamental main program data to be generated.

Field - Use this drop-down menu to choose the field you want to generate. The Fields displayed are of the Field Type you selected.

Generate [button] - Click this button to generate personalization tags that you can insert into the email template.

Generated - This field contains the generated personalization tag, which represents the field, default data, program data, or URL that you selected. Copy the generated field and paste it into the template in the appropriate location.