Signup and Membership Report
This report shows the number of signups and closed accounts for a selected reporting timeframe, and also the number of currently registered members.
You select the total report timeframe that the report covers, and the time increments (periods) for which the data is reported.
Included in the report are two line graphs and a data table. The first report indicates the number of new signups and account closures per reporting period. The second report indicates the membership over time.
The data table shows, for each reporting period, the following data:
- New Signups (in time period)
- The number of new loyalty program enrollments during an increment of time.
- Closed Accounts (in time period)
- The number of loyalty program un-enrollments during an increment of time.
- Total Active Accounts
- The number of currently enrolled loyalty program members at the end of a reporting time period.
This report is a good indicator of the effectiveness of recruiting new members. A decline in signups might warrant an initiative or drive to sign up more members.
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