Clone Offer Record
The cloned copy of an offer record includes all of the data in the
original, with the following exceptions:
- The clone has a new, unique numerical ID. This is a system requirement.
- The clone of a record named "XXX" is automatically renamed "Copy of XXX." (Note that if you make multiple clones of "XXX", they all are named "Copy of XXX.")
- The Offer Evaluation Start Date is, by default, reset to the date following the day when you create the clone.
- The Offer Evaluation End Date is, by default, always set to a date three months after the initial Offer Evaluation Start date, so this date is also reset.
- The Current Offer Image, which is normally selected in the step, is typically left blank in the clone. You must select the image to be associated with the cloned offer record.
Here are some tips for using a cloned offer record to create a new
- Start by assigning the cloned copy its own new, unique, descriptive name.
- Start work on a clone with the first page, and update all existing fields to clearly distinguish the new offer from the source material offer.
- Review every field.
- You must add a new image, because any image associated with the original offer has been deleted.
- Check the Publish and Qualify dates; in a clone, these are set to default dates.
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