Custom Attribute: Add Product Data

These are the prerequisites for data transfer if you are adding a product custom attribute:

  • If you use product batch files in XML format to convey product data to Reward, your company must modify this file, adding the name of the custom attribute field to the XML schema.
  • If you use product batch files in any non-XML format (flat file format) to convey data to Reward, your company (your IT department, in particular) must work with Reward to adjust the transform processes applied to the file so that the custom attribute field can be correctly processed.
  • Make sure that your corresponding, in-house file creation processes add the custom attribute data to the product files.
  • To use APIs to convey custom attribute data in real time, the API call must use the reference tag of the custom attribute.
  • Define the reference tag used in API calls when you define the custom attribute data in CRMS.
  • Always work in concert with your company's IT department to implement a custom attribute. A custom attribute must be fully supported by your transaction files or product files. If you use Loyalty API calls, it must also be supported by your API processes. Refer your IT department to the Reward Integration Guide for information on the required changes to your files.