Creating Email Communication

Use the Edit Communication wizard to create a new email communication (sometimes called an "email message" for short) or to edit the details of an existing email communication. To use the Edit Communication wizard on an existing communication, click an existing communication listed in the Communication Name column in the Email Communications page.


  1. Select Email > Communications in the CRMS menu.
  2. Click Create New Email Communications.
    There might be prerequisites for creating your email communication. See Communications for details.

    The Edit Communication wizard guides you through creating email. You can also create a new email communication by cloning an existing email communication. Cloning is especially useful when you want to duplicate most of the attributes of the existing email message.

    CRMS also sends out another form of email: the Trigger Event Response Email, sometimes called Trigger Email or Response Email. Response Email responds to trigger events. In general, Trigger Event Response Emails are used for customer service purposes and not so much for promotional purposes, as Email Communications are. However, both are forms of email, and there are similarities in the way they are composed, so the two can easily be confused by new CRMS users.