Geolocation Trigger Events

If you click radio button next to When a customer enters a mobile geolocation radius, then you must specify Time of day to send this email:

  • Today
  • On a specific date
  • Beta capabilities enable the configuration of mobile geolocations that can be included in shopper profile targeting dimensions. Beta capabilities do not currently support delivery of geolocation targeted offers or messages to a customer's mobile device.
  • Important: Because geolocation features are not complete (beta), if mobile geolocation targeting dimensions are included in a shopper profile, no shoppers qualify for offers or messages that use the shopper profile.

Time of the day to send this email

Note: If you choose Today and select As soon as possible from the pull-down menu, each email is sent from CRMS as it is built (customized) for each recipient. If you choose a time of day, the set of email messages are built in advance of the send time. At the send time, the process of sending the individual emails begins. Depending on the quantity of email, this can take some time. As soon as possible usually means that sending starts in about 20 minutes. As soon as possible on a future date means that sending starts at 12 a.m. Eastern time (9 p.m. Pacific Standard time on the day before the specified date.)

Keep evaluating and sending this email?

  • If you choose "Yes, once a day until a specific date", the system reevaluates all of your target customer profiles every day to see if someone new matches the targeting profile. Each day, the system sends your email to these new customers, until the date specified.
  • Important: If you are editing an existing email communication, the template has already been selected, and the wizard opens with the properties page. After an email template has been selected for an email communication, you cannot switch to a different template.