
Tiers define a group of customers to which you can target offers. Members of higher tiers generally receive more benefits than members of lower tiers. Tiers can be used to incent customers to increase spend, shopping frequency, and so on. For example, customers who spend over 200 monetary units achieve silver status; customers who spend over 400 monetary units qualify for the gold tier, and gold tiers members receive more benefits than silver tier members.

Tiers can be set up on the backend during system implementation and modified through profiles in the CRMS user interface. If tiers were implemented in the initial configuration of your loyalty program, you can use the customer targeting profiles in CRMS to target offers to one or more of the tiers.

  • Adding or changing the profiles attached to tiers can have significant effects on your loyalty program. For example, modifying offers and point conversions based on tiers might cause point discrepancies. Tiers are only evaluated once every 24 hours and hence changing the profile, which is attached to a tier, can potentially cause customers to get the wrong point accruals until the tiering process runs again.
  • Customer Profiles > Dimension > Tiers and Admin > Tiers is not displayed in the user interface, if tiers are not enabled in your initial configuration. Contact your Account Manager for information about setting up tiers.