CSR: Roles & Privileges

The following are the three types of CRMS users who have access to the CSR Support page:

  • CRMS Administrators have access to all of the functionality in CRMS, including full rights to all of the CSR tools in the Support pages.
  • CSR Administrators have access to all of the CSR tools in the Support pages and to the CSR report. Additionally, CSR Administrators have privileges and permission to work with all aspects of CRMS.
  • CSR Users have access only to a limited set of CSR tools. CSR users do not have access to sensitive customer information, nor can they perform certain operations on customers, such as merging accounts or transferring points.

CSR users have privileges to perform the following tasks on enrolled customer accounts:

  • Edit Info
  • Reset Password
  • Un-Enroll
  • Add Card
  • Deactivate Account

A CSR user can find any existing customer account and display the customer data in the Customer Details page. CSR users must occasionally refer certain requests and problems to a CSR administrator.