Notes on Widget Embed Tags
Widgets designed to display more personalized customer information are typically embedded in web pages for loyalty program members.
After the basic content and characteristics of a piece of signage (a widget) is defined in the Create a New Signage process, CRMS generates the basic embed tag code for the widget. The embed tag is made available in the Summary Page of this process.
The CRMS Signage page provides a link to the embed tag for each widget. To see the basic embed tag code, click the embed tag link on any row in the Manage Existing Signage table. A new pop-up window opens, displaying the widget embed tag and its two components.
Each embed tag displays two pieces of code and instructions for inserting both in your web page.
Copy and paste the first piece of code in the location you want this signage to be displayed in your web page. Copy and paste the second piece of code as close as possible to the </HTML> tag at the bottom of your web page.