Creating Target List from Profile


  1. From the Target > Lists page, select Create New List > From Profile.
    The New List from the Profile wizard is displayed.
  2. Define the List Properties:

    Enter text in the three fields:

    • Name : create a name for this list. The list name is displayed on the table of lists on the Target > Lists page, in Targeting, and in Reports. Lists must be named.
    • Source : use this field to identify where the contents of the list came from; for example, you might specify a location and file, the list rental, the database, a file containing an SQL search.
    • Internal Note : use this field to record any additional information about this list that might help you distinguish it from others, or recall its purpose, at a later date. Store notes about who created it, its purpose, the profiles or sources and how they were used, its unique content, and so on.
  3. Select the Source Profile.
    1. Click Select Profile. The Select Profile dialog box is displayed.
    2. Find the profile you want to use. You can re-sort the profiles by profile ID number, name, date of last update, number of registered or unregistered customers size.
    3. Click the corresponding Select link. The selected profile name is added to the profile box in the New List from Profile wizard. The Change Selection button is displayed next to the profile selection box.
  4. To change your profile selection, click Change Selection, then repeat the previous step.
  5. Click Next Step to save your work and advance to the next step of the wizard.The Request Status section of the wizard opens, displaying the message, "Your list is being created."
  6. Click Done.
    When the list creation process is completed, the Target > Lists page is displayed again. In the Manage Lists table, a row shows information for the list you have just worked on, including the status and other standard information.