List Performance Summary Report
This report provides data concerning the performance of a selected set of your lists based on sale data for a specified time period. Specify one time period from which the lists are selected and another time period from which the sales totals are collected. (The two periods can of course overlap or be exactly the same.)
This report includes a horizontal bar chart and a data table.
The bar chart shows the top ten lists from your selection, rated according to their net sales for the specified period.
The data table provides a row of data for each list. Each row includes the following data for each list:
- List ID
- The CRMS-assigned identification number assigned to each list, which serves to provide a unique ID for each list.
- List Creation Date
- The date when the list was created in or introduced into CRMS. Although the list might have existed earlier in another environment, this date refers to the creation of the list with respect to the CRMS list management system.
- Customer Count
- The total number of customers in each list. More accurately, this is the customer count for each list -- based on the customer count when the list was created. Be aware that the names in each list are validated for format when they are created, that is, when they are imported into CRMS. This tends to reduce the size of some externally generated lists by a small percentage. Note that the total customer count is the count of all unique customers -- not just those on a list – as of the end of the specified period.
- Active Customer Count
- The total number of customers in each list who made a purchase within the sales dates selected.
- Total Net Sales Monetary Units
- The total number of sales monetary units produced as income by active customers in a list within the dates selected. This number accounts for returns.
- Net Transactions
- The total number of net transactions by active customers in a list within the dates selected. Refunds and returns (transactions with negative value) are counted as a negative transaction. Even exchanges (zero value transactions) are not counted as a transaction.
The total value for Net Sales Monetary Units is simply the total sales over the time selected. This value does not apply to list names, list ID and list creation date; it is simply the total sales over the time selected.