Uploading Offer Qualifying Product Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) as a File
You can upload offer qualifying product SKUs as a file from the CRMS UI, on the offer qualification page in order to create an eligible list of products for the offer. Similarly, you can also exclude certain product SKUs to create a list which does not qualify for the offer.
A note that states "Only SKUs that exist in your product file may be attached to an offer" is displayed beside the Upload button.
Following are the important points while uploading a product SKU file:
- The uploaded SKUs reference the existing SKUs in the client's database.
- The uploaded SKUs do not create new products in the client's product file if the SKU uploaded does not currently exist in the client's product file.
- When attempting to upload a file that has SKUs that do not exist in the product file, the file processes only the valid SKUs. The number of invalid SKUs appear in a "No Matched" column.
- If a file is uploaded that attempts to attach SKUs that have already been attached to the offer, the duplicates are ignored. The number of duplicate SKUs appear in a "Duplicate" column.
- The "Download" link with mouseover text as "View Report" links to a downloadable report that displays each line that was not successfully matched to the offer in the following format:
" Line [x]: [Product SKU] was not successfully attached to the offer because [reason]"
[x] = The line number of the SKU attempting to be attached
[Product SKU] = The product SKU number attempting to be attached
[reason] = The reason the attachment failed (for example, "it does not exist in the product file" or "it is already attached to the offer" (that is, a duplicate]