Excluding Specific Audit Messages From the BPM Log File

You can exclude specific audit messages from being logged by defining a rule in the CONFIG_DATA\bpm\bpm_app_name\configuration\ec-probe-rules.xml file.


Make a backup copy of the existing ec-probe-rules.xml file.


  1. Open the ec-probe-rules.xml file in a text editor and find the section defining the default_localfile channel:
        <channel name="default_localfile" target="LOCALFILE">
                <rule name="BDSMessages_localfile" ruleOrder="800">
                        <!-- To enable local logging of the BDS Case Data Payload - change the following process to LocalLoggingProcess -->
                <rule name="BaseRule_locafile" ruleOrder="1000">
  2. Inside the <rules> part of this section, add a new excludeMessages rule, as follows:
        <rule name="excludeMessages" ruleOrder="100">
  3. Modify the new excludeMessages rule, as follows:
    1. In the <messageId>, replace TEST with the Message ID of the audit message that you want to prevent from being logged.
    2. Add an additional <messageId> entry for each audit message that you want to prevent from being logged.
    3. To ensure that the excludeMessages rule will be processed, set the value of the ruleOrder attribute (100) so that it is lower than the value defined for all other rules defined for the default_localfile channel.
      Note: When a channel is processed, the rules for that channel are executed in numerical order, based on the value of each rule's ruleOrder attribute. (The order in which they appear in the file makes no difference.) Only the first rule found to match an event will be processed.
    4. Leave the <action> tag empty. (This means that the rule excutes the default action of excluding each messageId defined in the <filter> section.
    For example, the following rule definition excludes the OS_AUDIT_LOGIN and OS_AUDIT_LOGOUT message IDs from being logged.
        <channel name="default_localfile" target="LOCALFILE">
                <rule name="excludeMessages" ruleOrder="100">
                <rule name="BDSMessages_localfile" ruleOrder="800">
                        <!-- To enable local logging of the BDS Case Data Payload - change the following process to LocalLoggingProcess -->
                <rule name="BaseRule_locafile" ruleOrder="1000">
  4. Save the modified ec-probe-rules.xml file.
  5. Validate your changes to the ec-probe-rules.xml file using the TIBCO_HOME\bpm\version\bin\rulesinfo utility. For example:
    rulesinfo validate -configdir C:\ProgramData\bpm1\tibco\data\bpm\amx.bpm.app\configuration

    See Using the rulesinfo Utility to Validate the Event Probe Rules and Event Rules Files for more information about the rulesinfo utility.

  6. Check the BPM log file to verify that your changes are working and having the desired effect on the logged information.