Start Instance Component

The Start Instance component displays the Start Process Instance button, which allows the user to start an instance of a process template from a list of available process templates.

If the user clicks on the Start Process Instance button, then selects the Open drop-down selection, a list of available process templates is displayed. For example:

Once the user has made a selection from the list of process templates, subsequent clicks of the Start Process Instance button also displays the previously started process templates, making it easier to choose process templates that are frequently started. For example:

Selecting a process template from either the list of all available templates, or from the button drop-down list, causes an instance of that template to start.

Note: By default, the number of available process templates that can be listed is limited to 500. To increase this number, change the value of the queryMaxResultSize property in the file.

For more information about properties files, see BPM Properties Files.

Subscribe To:

To display the Start Instance component, subscribe to:

  • Login component:
    • “Login Complete” event

Start Instance Component Properties


Start Instance Component Events

The Start Instance component publishes the following event:

Event Description
InstanceStarted Indicates an instance of a process template has been started.

Event fires when the user selects a process template to start.