
List process instances that have halted (as a result of an activity failure) that match certain criteria:

  • The request must specify a SQL query that defines the search criteria.
  • The response returns a list of HALTED process instances that match the specified criteria, either as a complete list or as the first page of a paged list (in which case a paging ID is also returned).
Note: This operation only queries HALTED process instances. To list process instances that are in a state other than HALTED, use QueryProcessInstances instead.
Action QueryHaltedProcessInstances
Parameter Notes
  • query: executes the specified query against Event Collector.
  • attributeMap: If a user-defined attribute is used in the SELECT statement of a paginated query, that attribute and its type should be included in the attributeMap, otherwise a database query must be made to get the type of the user-defined attribute, making the request less efficient.
  • pageSize: Specifies the size of the page. Specify 0 for a non-paginated result. If you specify a paged result (pageSize = -1 or a number greater than 0), you must clear resources when you are finished with the paged list. (Note that the result limit for non-paginated queries (pageSize=0) is 500.)
Return QueryHaltedProcessInstancesResult

Required System Actions
