Using the Wizards to Create a New Data Field or Parameter

You can create a new data field or parameter using the wizards provided:


  1. In the Project Explorer, expand the package or process where you want to add a data field or parameter.
  2. As appropriate, right-click Data Fields or Parameters and select New > Data Field or New > Parameter. The New Data Field or New Parameter dialog is displayed.
    Note: If you start this wizard from the File > New menu, the first dialog is the project and package dialog, where you must specify a valid project and package. This dialog is not displayed if you right-click at the process level to start the dialog; however you can click Back to display it.
  3. Specify a label for the data field or parameter; you cannot specify leading or trailing spaces.
  4. For parameters, specify the following:
    Option Description
    Mandatory (Parameter only) Select this checkbox to specify that the parameter must be present when the process is started.
    Read Only  Select this checkbox to specify that the value of the data field or parameter cannot be modified after it is created.
    Mode   (Parameter only) Select whether the parameter will be an input (In) output (Out) or both (In/Out).
    Note: The parameters specified on the Interface tab for a user task are from the perspective of the form, not the user. This means that input parameters are sent to the form by the process, not the user. Output Parameters are sent to the form by the user.
    Note: You must provide an input mapping when the process is called as a subprocess.
  5. Specify the type of data field or parameter you want to create:
    Option Description
    Basic Type  If you select this type, you can choose from Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, Date, Time, Date Time or Performer. For more information about using performer data types, see the appropriate implementation guide.
    Note: If you need to create a Text field of unlimited length, ensure that the Length field is empty. If you wish to limit the number of characters enter the appropriate numeric value.
    Note: The value of unmapped Basic Type parameters have the following defaults:
    • Text: null
    • Boolean : false
    • Integer/Decimal : 0
    • Date / Time / DateTime : now (time of process instance creation)
    Initial Value For data fields, you can optionally specify an Initial Value by clicking in the provided text entry area and entering a value. For arrays, you can add more than one value. You can add rows by clicking the button. You can also delete rows by clicking the button.
    Allowed Values For parameters, you can optionally specify the permitted input values (values that may be supplied by application starting an instance of the process). You can add rows by clicking the button. You can also delete rows by clicking the button.
    Declared Type This option allows you to select from the declared types that you have already defined.
    External Reference Allows you to refer to a business object defined in the Business Object Modeler.
  6. Select whether you want the data field or parameter to be an array. Selecting the Array checkbox creates an array of the Basic Type that is selected. For example, if you select the Array checkbox and Text, you are defining the data field or parameter as an array of Text values.
  7. Click Finish to create the data field or parameter, or click Next to specify a documentation URL, description, or extended attributes.
  8. The Documentation Url and Description fields allow you to specify supplementary information about the data field or parameter that you have created.
  9. The Extended dialog allows you to specify extended attributes.

    The parameter that you created appears in the Project Explorer.