
This request returns the last page of process instances.

This request is used after calling the queryProcessInstances request with the page size set to a value other than 0. You must pass in a query ID that was returned in the response from the queryProcessInstances request.




  • requestId - (String) Uniquely identifies the request. For more information, see Submitting Server Requests.
  • queryId - (String) A unique identifier for the queryProcessInstances request in which you have requested paging for the returned process instances. The value you must pass in this parameter is returned in the <ap:QueryId> element in the queryProcessInstances request response.


This returns the same elements as the queryProcessInstances request, except it does not include the <ap:QueryId> element. See queryProcessTemplates.

Note that this method could return zero items if the number of process instances has decreased since the initial query was made (because of process instances being completed or cancelled since the query).