Calendar Services

Calendar services are provided by the Process Manager logical node (by the Deadline and Calendar (DAC) component).


The Calendar services API provides the following public services.

Service Description
WorkCalService Get information about and configure system calendars and working time for a given organizational entity. Get information about and configure references from organization entities to calendars.
BusinessDeadlineService Calculate the business deadline based on a given organizational entity's calendar.

API Files

The following table shows the API files that provide Calendar services.

File Description
dac.wsdl Calendar services API
dac-deadline-service.xsd Calendar services - BusinessDeadlineService schema
dac-workcal-service.xsd Calendar services - WorkCalService schema
dac-common.xsd Calendar services - common object schema
dac-exception.xsd Calendar services - exception schema
comexception.xsd Common exception schema
Note: Hyperlinks are provided to the WSDL and XSD documentation for a particular service API or schema. Any xsd files that do not have hyperlinks are included (directly or indirectly) in hyperlinked xsd files. For example, the XSD documentation for dac-workcal-service.xsd also includes the documentation for dac-common.xsd.