Process Instance Properties (

The properties in control aspects of process instances.

Property Default Description
Activity retry settings
  • retryIntervalInSeconds
60 These properties control the retry mechanism of a task when a retry exception has been thrown, for example, if a service call fails due to the remote system not being available. These are used if there is nothing configured on the task in the process flow (for example, maxNumberOfRetries is set on a task in BPEL generated by TIBCO Business Studio).
  • retryIntervalIncrementInSeconds
  • maxNumberOfRetries
  • maxNumberOfInMemoryRetries
arrayDelimiter , Specifies the delimiter between array elements provided in a setAvailableProcessInstanceVariables API request. The default value for the delimiter is ", " (comma followed by a space) if this property is not set.

For more information, see setAvailableProcessInstanceVariables.

autoDeleteFailedProcesses false Specifies whether failed process instances are automatically deleted from the database:
  • true - automatically delete failed process instances.
  • false - do not automatically delete failed process instances.

For more information, see Configuration of Error Handling Behavior for Process Instances.

autoDeleteProcesses true Specifies whether completed process instances are automatically deleted from the database upon completion:
  • true - automatically delete process instances that are complete.
  • false - do not automatically delete process instances.

Also see the bpelMaintenancePurgeProcessInterval property.

checkParms true Prior to version 2.2.0 of ActiveMatrix BPM, if a process called a reusable sub-process, and the sub-process had mandatory parameters, the system was not checking to ensure that the parameters contained a value. The sub-process would start without error. However, it could result in an error later in the sub-process.

The issue described above was resolved in version 2.2.0. Mandatory parameters are now checked to ensure they are not null. If the main process calls a sub-process, and there are mandatory input parameters to the sub-process, the sub-process is not started.

The checkParms property can be set to "false" to override this stricter enforcement of mandatory parameters. This can be used if you are using a pre-2.2.0 application that worked fine previously, but has issues with the stricter enforcement of mandatory parameters.

clearInMemoryTrackers true Controls whether an in-memory instance row is cleared from the PVM_INMEM_PROC_TRACKER table when the sub-process task that started it has completed.
filterByOrgsError false If a resource is mapped to more than six organizations, and that resource starts a process instance, BX_TOO_MANY_ORG_IDS is written to the BPM.log file. This property specifies whether BX_TOO_MANY_ORG_IDS is shown as a warning or an error. The valid settings are:
  • false - BX_TOO_MANY_ORG_IDS is shown as a warning.
  • true - BX_TOO_MANY_ORG_IDS is shown as an error.
haltOnError true Controls whether an error within a process instance causes it to halt.

This property is used if haltOnError is not defined in the TIBCO Business Studio generated-BPEL.

Note: If the value of this property is modified, and there is a running application for which you want to apply the change, you must either redeploy the application or restart the node.

For more information, see Configuration of Error Handling Behavior for Process Instances.

logInstanceSummary false Controls whether a process instance summary is generated and logged at DEBUG level for process instances that complete normally.
logFailedInstanceSummary false Controls whether a process instance summary is generated and logged at DEBUG level for process instances that complete abnormally, that is, that failed or were halted.
logMigrateInstanceSummary false Controls whether a process instance summary is generated and logged at DEBUG level for process instances that are migrated.
maxCancelChildrenBatchSize 100 The number of process instances to cancel in a batch.
Note: Do not change the value of this property unless you are advised to by TIBCO Support.
maxGlobalSignalListenerCount 100 The number of global signal event handlers that can listen on the same signal definition with the same correlation.

A maximum of 100 global signal event handlers can listen on the same signal definition with the same correlation.

If an event handler attempts to register itself after the limit is reached, an exception with error code 905025 is thrown: There are more than [{0}] listeners with correlation [{1}] for global signal definition [{2}].

maxSubProcessCallDepth 100

The maximum sub-process depth that can be reached from a parent instance. The call depth is inclusive.

Example 1

  • If you have the following process hierarchy - main process > sub-process 1 > sub-process 2 > sub-process 3 > sub-process 4, and
  • the maxSubProcessCallDepth is 3, the parent instance halts if it tries to create an instance of sub-process 4. However, sub-process 1 could create hundreds of sub-processes without the parent instance halting.

Example 2

  • If you have a main process that calls a sub-process recursively, and
  • the maxSubProcessCallDepth is 3, the parent instance halts if it tries to create a fourth instance of the sub-process. This prevents a recursive sub-process loop from creating hundreds of sub-processes, and tying up the Process Engine, preventing the processing of other work.
maxTasksPerInstance 1000 The maximum number of tasks that can be generated by a process instance. If this threshold is reached, the process instance is halted.

For more information, see Configuring the Maximum Number of Tasks per Process Instance.

maxTasksPerInstanceSummary 500 Restricts the number of tasks in a process instance summary generated for logging or returned to a caller of the getProcessInstanceSummary method.

For more information, see getProcessInstanceSummary.

memorySavingMode false Not currently used.
prepareForUndeployThreadSleep 60 This specifies how often (in seconds) the background thread "BX: Check Pending Undeploys" wakes up and checks for modules in the 'preparing to undeploy' state, so that the ActiveMatrix Platform can be signaled to undeploy those modules.
queryMaxResultSize 500 The maximum number of process templates that are displayed in the Workspace Start Process Instance dialog.

For more information, see Setting How Many Templates Can Be Listed in the Workspace "Start Process Instance" Dialog.

showExtendedPriorities false By default, process instance priorities are shown in the event log as LOW, NORMAL, HIGH, or EXCEPTIONAL (which equate to 100, 200, 300, or 400, respectively). If a process instance priority is set to a value other than 100, 200, 300, or 400, it is shown in the event log as "CUSTOM(value)".

If this property is set to "true", and a process instance priority is set to a value other than 100, 200, 300, or 400), that integer value is shown in the event log, rather than CUSTOM(value).

Note that this only applies to process instances whose priorities are set after this property is set to "true". Process instances whose priorities were set to a value other than 100, 200, 300, or 400 prior to setting this property to "true" still display as CUSTOM(value).

suspendOnError true Whether a process INSTANCE should be suspended when an error occurs. If this property is set to "true", and an activity throws a Java exception, Process Manager checks to see if a number of criteria are true:
  • The process instance is running against a process template that was deployed from a pre-3.5.10 version of TIBCO Business Studio.
  • There is no user catch error event in scope for the thrown exception.
  • The exception has not been raised by a user throw error event.

If all of these criteria are satisfied, the current transaction is rolled back and the process instance is placed in the SUSPENDED state. Otherwise:

  • If a catch error event is in scope for the activity, processing continues there.
  • If no catch error event is in scope, the process instance is placed in the FAILED state and purged from the BPM runtime database.

For more information, see Configuration of Error Handling Behavior for Process Instances.