
CaseInformationServiceModel is the object model used by CaseInformationService operations to pass data in service requests and responses about cases.


Name Type Description
caseActions Array<CaseCategory> Case actions.

A case action defines an action a user can perform on a case.

caseData Array<CaseDataType> Case data.

Case data is business data that is centrally managed by ActiveMatrix BPM and can therefore be accessed and updated by multiple BPM process applications.

caseRef String Case reference.
caseRefInformation Array<CaseReferenceWithSummaryDetailsType> Case reference and its summary details.
guid String GUID of the logged in user, used to authenticate and authorize the service request. The GUID can be obtained by using the BPMLoginService.getExtendedUserInfo operation.
selectedWorkItem WorkItem Work item whose case information is to be retrieved.
See the following topics for specific information on how CaseInformationService operations use the CaseManagementModel object model: