Using the Configuration Administrator

You can easily configure certain aspects of a deployed application (either the Workspace application, or a custom WCC application that has been deployed), such as setting default user options, specifying user access to functions in the application, specifying the way in which events are displayed to the user, etc.

These configurations are available via the Configuration Administrator. The Configuration Administrator is a WCC component that is available via a toolbar button in the Workspace application.

To access the Configuration Administrator from Workspace, click the Admin button in the Workspace toolbar, then select Configuration. The Configuration Administrator dialog is displayed.

The Configuration Administrator dialog displays a directory/file structure in the left pane that represents configuration files for the deployed application. Clicking on a file name in the left pane displays the contents of that file in the right pane.


  1. In the left pane of the Configuration Administrator, click on the file that contains the configuration information you want to change. The following describes the type of configuration information available in each of the configuration files:
    • config.xml - This file contains a variety of configuration parameters, such as default user options, session timeout value, etc.

      After selecting the config.xml file in the Configuration Administrator, you can choose to edit the configuration parameters using either a graphical editor or an XML editor by clicking on the appropriate tab in the right pane. The use of each of these editors is described in Configuring the Application.

      Note: The XML view is provided in the Configuration Administrator so that you can easily move XML for one configuration to another (for example, from a test environment to a production environment).
    • userAccess.xml - This file is used to specify which functions users can access in the application, based on the privileges held by the user.

      After selecting the userAccess.xml file in the Configuration Administrator, you can choose to edit user access using either a graphical editor or an XML editor by clicking on the appropriate tab in the right pane. The use of each of these editors is described in Configuring User Access.

    • customInterfaces.xml - This file is used to configure custom interfaces that allow custom menus and toolbar buttons to be displayed in a WCC application that, when selected, display TIBCO General Interface prototypes, web pages displayed in iFrames, or web pages displayed in TIBCO PageBus Managed Hub iFrames. For more information, see Custom Interfaces.
    • eventRoles.xml - This file is used to map privileges to event roles, which are used to determine how events are displayed to users who hold specific privileges.

      If a role is added using the Configuration Administrator, it causes an entry of the same name to be dynamically added under the Event Roles directory in the left pane of the Configuration Administrator. It adds the event configuration files for the newly added role to the database by copying the event configuration files from the default role files that are on the deployed file system.

      This allows you to add roles via configuration (i.e., without requiring a re-deployment).

      You can then configure each of the individual event configuration files for the new role by accessing those files using the Configuration Administrator.

      For more information about configuring events, see Configuring Events.

    • eventLocale.xml - This file contains text strings that are referenced in the event configuration files (eventDescriptions.xml, eventLinks.xml, eventViewTemplates.xml, and eventAttributes.xml). It allows for easier localizing of the event-related text. (Note that if your application has been localized, additional event locale files will appear as well, for example,, eventLocale.es_MX.xml, etc. For information about localization, see Localization.)

      For more information about configuring events, see Event-Related Text.

    • eventLocale.en_GB.xml - This file is a placeholder for localizing event-related text strings for English Great Britain. This file is empty by default, which causes it to fall back to English United States. For more information, see Localization.

      For more information about configuring events, see Event-Related Text.

    • customInterfaceLocale.xml - This file is used to support localization of text strings associated with custom interfaces. If you localize custom interface-related text strings, this file contains the English (United States) strings, and there will also be a customInterfaceLocale.ll_CC.xml resource file that contains the localized text strings for the language identified by the “ll_CC” in the resource file name. For more information, see Localization for Custom Interfaces
    • customInterfaceLocale.en_GB.xml - This file is a placeholder for localizing custom interface-related text strings for English (Great Britain). This file is empty by default, which causes it to fall back to English (United States). For more information, see Localization for Custom Interfaces.

      The contents of the selected file are displayed in the right pane.

  2. Edit the configuration information as described in the links provided in step 1.

    You can use the standard Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, and Ctrl+A keys to copy, paste, and select all, respectively.

    Tip: As the text editor in the Configuration Administrator displays all black text, it can be helpful to select all of the text in the right pane (Ctrl+A), copy it, then paste it into an editor that displays XML in colored text. Make your changes in that editor, then copy it and paste it back into the Configuration Administrator.

    If you make a change to a file, an asterisk is shown to the left of the file name in the left pane. This is an indicator that the file has changed and that you have not applied nor saved it yet.

  3. After making a change, you can apply changes without closing the Configuration Administrator by clicking the Apply button, or you can save changes and close the window by clicking the OK button.
  4. You must restart the application for changes made via the Configuration Administrator to take effect.