SOAP API - isActionAuthorised

The table summarizes the SOAP API - isActionAuthorised.

Request Uses the isActionAuthorised element (from the SecurityService schema)
Parameter notes
  • scope: If scope is not specified, authorization is tested against the organization model, rather than a scoped entity.
  • scope.entity-type: For information about organizational entity scope, see Scope of System Actions.
  • scope.guid: Can be obtained from getOrgModel or findResources.
  • action: The application component to which the system action belongs, as well as the name of the system action. The component must be passed as all uppercase. For a list of the available components and system actions, see System Actions.
Response Returns a isActionAuthorisedResponse element (from the SecurityService schema).

Note that if multiple system actions are passed in the request, a results of:

  • true means that the caller is authorized to perform all of the specified actions.
  • false means that the caller is authorized to perform some, or none, of the specified actions.
Example Request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sec="">
      <sec:isActionAuthorised fault-on-unauthorised="false">
         <scope model-version="-1" entity-type="POSITION" guid="_9y7hYMpREd64gM7QE8RwxA" /> -->
         <action component="BRM" name="viewWorkList"/>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
      <isActionAuthorisedResponse overall="true" xmlns="">
         <scope entity-type="POSITION" guid="_9y7hYMpREd64gM7QE8RwxA" model-version="-1" xmlns="" xmlns:sec="" xmlns:soapenv=""/>
         <action authorised="true" component="BRM" name="viewWorkList" xmlns=""/>