Offering and Allocating Work

The participants assigned to a user task define the pool of users who are eligible to receive work items generated by that user task. You must also define whether a work item generated from a user task will be allocated to or offered to the pool of eligible users:

  • Allocated work is only sent to a single user, selected from the pool.
  • Offered work is sent to every user in the pool.

The following diagrams show the difference between these methods.

Allocating a work item to a single user from the pool

Offering a work item to every user in the pool


  1. Select the user task.
  2. Select the Resources tab of the Properties view.
  3. In the Distribution Strategy area, click:
    • Offer To All, to offer a work item generated by this user task to all users in the pool of designated participants. This is the default option.
    • Offer To One, to offer a work item generated by this user task to a single user in the pool of designated participants. This option is not currently supported. Do not use it. A validation error is displayed if this option is selected.
    • Allocate To One, to allocate a work item generated by this user task to a single user in the pool of designated participants.