Searching Cases

Once the cases that match the search query defined in your ad-hoc or advanced search are displayed, you can use the Search facility to quickly find a single case.

This is a text based search and it searches all the text in the cases that are currently displayed.

The search is dynamic so as you start typing, Openspace searches all the columns that are displayed, to identify your case. Any cases that matches the text you are typing, automatically display.
Note: If you have a large number of cases, the search may take a few minutes.


You must login as a user that has privileges with the correct system actions assigned.


  1. Perform a search to return the cases. See Performing an Ad-hoc Search or Performing an Advanced Search.
  2. Type your text in the Search box.
    Once you start typing, Openspace dynamically populates the Case Management gadget with the cases that match your text.
  3. To clear your search, select .